My Alcoholism Story: Struggles With Addiction And Overcoming It

alcoholic stories

Initially, I had lots of fear about returning to work. I worried about what people would think, what kind of criticism I would receive. Much to my surprise, many people barely noticed my extended absence.

In the U.S., especially in communities that aren’t in metropolitan areas, going to AA can sometimes feel like the only path to recovery. The first resource you’ll be offered if you’re talking to a friend or a doctor or a therapist about your substance use will eco sober house rating most likely be a list of local AA meetings. And most treatment facilities in America are at least partly based on the 12 steps. If you experience pain or have unusual symptoms after drinking alcohol, make an appointment to talk to your healthcare provider.

alcoholic stories

Again, professionally I excelled, but socially, I was completely isolated. I left my two friends behind and made no new ones. My wife had just delivered our fourth child, and I was distant from my whole family. I rarely participated in the children’s activities.

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Despite my increasingly frequent substance use, I excelled as a student. I prided myself on never missing a day of school. I attended all my classes and did my assignments and readings.

Most importantly, you have to have a supportive network of family, friends and professionals. Through the night, her family and friends tried frantically to reach her, all attempts ultimately proving unsuccessful. While they were diving into her phone tree to talk to anybody who might know her whereabouts, she was lying in a hospital room unaware of what was unfolding around her. The next morning that anybody heard from her. Her drinking only took off once she got to college, where she forged a new identity as a self-proclaimed “cool party girl.” For a while, she believed she was responsible enough. It was around this time that she began to experience mental illness in the forms of social anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and panic attacks.

  • Her TEDx talk,  “The Secret of Becoming Mentally Strong,” is one of the most viewed talks of all time.
  • “My mum has always struggled with her drinking. Since the start of the pandemic she is no longer [attending] AA meetings and is drinking more than I have ever known her to.”
  • If you begin to notice any unwanted side effects — physical or emotional — while drinking, it may be best to call it a night.
  • For the next five years, I did everything I could to blame my deep woundedness on something other than a withering soul caused by abuse, neglect and my own increasing self-centeredness.

I drank whiskey at the bar and gulped wine in front of the TV. I started popping tiny speed pills to keep me going after an all-day bender. I flirted with an ulcer, fought headaches, and developed chronic pain that gripped every area of my body and gave me a reason to take pain pills. If everyone is drinking or doing drugs and you’re sober, then you probably shouldn’t be there in the first place, especially if you’re newly in recovery. For Laura, the road to sobriety wasn’t an easy one.


The 12 steps have helped an untold number of people. As I sit here writing this story, a counter on my computer desktop indicates that I have been sober 2,105 days, one day at a time. However, what amazes me about this time is that it is 25,000 times the duration I could go at the end of my drinking career without having the need or the craving to have alcohol. Some addictions have a genetic component. Other addictions occur alongside mental health issues.

alcoholic stories

I was still drunk and I was mad at them, but I was mostly mad at myself for getting so carried away the night before. That level of drinking wasn’t new to me, but getting caught was. Upon realizing I had none of my belongings the next morning, my friend and I went back to this house. When we walked inside, I was greeted with the words, “Nice performance last night.” I cringed.

I had a brief extramarital affair that lasted a couple of days while I was on vacation in 2003. It all happened while the children played together outside on the beach. They asked me if I had a problem with alcohol, which I flat out denied. I told them that I sometimes would drink quite a lot on weekends, but that it was something I could control. They offered help if I needed it, but I wasn’t ready yet. The ensuing year I tried many times, unsuccessfully, to curb my drinking.

My Alcoholism Story

If you wake up feeling miserable after a night of drinking, you don’t have to wait it out. Here are a few strategies to help you lift your spirits in the moment. Alcohol can affect the areas of your brain that help regulate emotions. You might start drinking in order to forget what’s on your mind, but once the initial boost begins to wear off, you might end up wallowing in those feelings instead. Alcohol affects people in different ways. Some people never notice feelings of depression — or any negative effects at all — after drinking moderately.

It’s caused by the lack of an enzyme that breaks down alcohol in the body, called alcohol dehydrogenase. It’s more common in Asian populations. Over the next six weeks, with the help of my counselor and group members, I began to explore my character flaws and incorporate the principles of alcoholics anonymous into my life. Alcohol use can sometimes complicate depression treatment. If you drink regularly to manage depression symptoms, it may have be beneficial to work with a therapist who specializes in treating co-occurring depression and alcohol use.

  • I told them that I sometimes would drink quite a lot on weekends, but that it was something I could control.
  • Then two years ago, around the time of her marriage to Jay, she realised she needed help, both for depression and to enable her to process the trauma she’d experienced growing up.
  • Since getting sober, I’ve learned to love myself, forgive myself, and live as the person I was created to be.

I’m in recovery from both alcohol abuse and mental illness. My mental health is just as important as my physical health; in fact, the two can’t be separated. Today I care about my well-being on a holistic level.

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Every time I hear about a person with an addiction, I think of my brother. Every time I hear that someone has battled their demons, I feel as proud as if they were him. When I see men fishing from the end of the pier in Limassol, Cyprus, where I now live, I remember the times he untangled my lines, and told me that another lost float didn’t matter. I see his face when I look at the bowl he made, which I took from his house after we lost him.And each time I think of him, I realise I was as wrong about him in death as I was in life. For years, I thought he was no longer with us, but he was, filled with hope that there was another chance waiting for him, a different life we could be a part of.

In addition to liking how alcohol made me act, I loved how it made me feel physically. I lived for the way my body reacted when I’d take shots and feel a tingling sensation as the alcohol set in. It was exciting, and I never knew what the night had in store when I would drink. When the alcohol hit, it was as if I could let out a big breath I didn’t even know I’d been holding. Four years later, I still have no idea what I said or did that night. I have no idea where my phone or my purse ended up.

I went to see Drummond at the end of November 2017 because I wanted an informed opinion on my drinking. We were sitting in his office on the Denmark Hill campus of King’s College. He listened and took notes while I told him my story. At boarding school, I told him, you are supervised inconsistently; sometimes you can sneak off without anybody noticing.

Not only will sharing your story benefit you but others can learn from your mistakes, experiences and successes. Despite the wide variety of visitors, most visitors have one thing in common they have, in one way or another been touched by alcoholism. Still, it never occurred to me that this would be the last time I drank. Tell me, and I’ll do it.” First the someone I asked was God. Then it was someone with a list of recovery meetings.